Not to penetrate the roof is the biggest driver

Oct. 11, 2018

Epic Systems, headquartered in Verona, WI., is one of the largest electronic health records software companies in the United States. The 400-acre campus recently completed its fifth expansion phase, a total of 25 buildings, each with its own unique architectural features, some quite whimsical effect, such as the Harry Potter-styled recreation passage, or the New York train station styled offices.

The contracted architecture firm Cunningham tapped Diadem for its unique guard railings. They are designed to use the pedestal pavers to securely remain in place without penetrating the membrane or directly attaching to the structure itself.
“...the desire not to penetrate the roof is the biggest driver for utilizing Diadem's railing.” -- said the project manager for general contractor J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc.

Sustainability is a big part of the company ethos and important to their employees and it is why the campus features impressive solar power arrays and geothermal heating and cooling, but being sustainable is more than just saving electricity. Steve Dickmann, Epic’s chief administration officer, told a Wisconsin newspaper in June 2018 that increasing physical asset life-spans are also part of their sustainability vision.